#3 Unit 1 Reflection

Culture is a broad topic; everybody has unique traditions and customs. I learned in class that culture is about thinking, making, and doing. Culture could be reflected as perspectives, practices, and products. Perspective is what is essential in life. Practices are traditions and typical behaviors of a culture such as weddings. Products are food, clothing, music, literature, etc. Culture is not static and can be learned from people and the environment. I learned from different people and different environments. In the class, we created a Cultural Identity Poster which includes our background and unique qualifications of our own culture. I did not know several things such as clothing in China "Hanfu" or Carshenye is a god of money. Next, this information that I did not know before could lead to new beginnings and new information. 

My Aha moment was that some terms that I learned in class. Because I knew their examples but I had no idea about their classifications. We learned what mainstream, folk culture, high culture, subculture, etc. represent the dominant cultural currents of society and serve as a reference point for understanding the beliefs, behaviors, and preferences of the majority. For example, the majority of US people wear pants and sweatshirts while shopping. Folk culture is an essential aspect of cultural diversity, and it provides a valuable window into the history, values, and identity of various communities and groups such as Irish step dancing is not only a captivating art form but also a cultural expression that reflects the rich heritage and history of Ireland. High culture, also known as elite culture or highbrow culture, refers to the cultural products, art forms, and intellectual pursuits that are considered of the highest quality, value, and sophistication within a society such as opera and classical ballet. A subculture is a distinct cultural group within a larger culture that shares its own unique set of values, norms, practices, and beliefs that differentiate it from the dominant or mainstream culture of which it is a part such as punk and goth subculture.


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