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#22 Course Reflection

Pop Culture class taught me a lot this semester. There were so many assignments but they were really helpful too. First of all, we started with culture. Everyone has their own distinct traditions and customs; culture is a vast topic. Culture is about thinking, making, and doing, as I discovered in class. Products, behaviors, and viewpoints can all be considered reflections of a culture. In life, perspective is what matters most. Customs and customary actions within a community, such as marriage ceremonies, are called practices. Products include things like clothing, food, music, and books. People and the environment may teach us about culture, which is dynamic and ever-changing. I gained knowledge from a variety of sources and settings. We made a cultural identity poster in class that features our heritage and the distinctive features of our own culture.  Secondly, we continued with popular culture. Aspects of contemporary life such as sports, technology, fashion, music, art, and enter

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#21 Visual Project

#18 Summary of a Text

#17 Pop Culture in My Culture

#19 Pop Culture Websites

#20 Pop Culture App

#11 Movie Genre

#16 Playlist

#15 A song that moved me

#14 Music Genre

#13 Unit 3 Reflection